The story of Westray’s Finest Ice Cream.


If working in Industrial Distribution & Logistics gets you down, you just might consider quitting to make ice cream. After setting fire to his cubicle (mentally), Westray’s Finest founder, Westray Paul, headed north to Brooklyn to apprentice with the likes of Van Leeuwen, Oddfellows Ice Cream Company, and soon after completed Penn State’s Ice Cream Short Course.

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Now armed with extensive hands-on ice cream-making skills, Westray set about getting his own ice cream truck, and as is the way with ice cream trucks, one quickly became two.

Daring himself to make his work-a-day life a smaller and smaller speck in the distance has led to relaxing days spent churning top-quality ice cream woven in with moments of great times with ice cream lovers throughout Richmond and the greater Virginia/DC region.

Westray currently divides his time between manning the trucks, filling pints in the kitchen (soon to be distributed at discerning locations near you), and accumulating adventures on land, sea, and air – all of which help him live the Westray’s Finest motto –
